Best qualit guaranteed!

major projects:

In association with Reimelt from Rödermark (Germany), we construct complete balanced production lines for companies mentioned above.

Our task was to expand and modernize the production lines in order to achieve better efficiency in the production process on the basis of measurements provided by Reimelt. Complete project construction of plans and flow diagrams of the new production lines and detailed drawings of the individual components (storage bins, blending equipment, etc.).


Certyfikaty rejestracji patentów projektów klawiatur ergonomicznych, obowiązujące na terenie Unii Europejskiej. Certificates of registration of patents of projects of ergonomically designed keyboards, which is obligatory on territory of the European Union.

right-handed version
left-handed version
modified right-handed version
modified left-handed version

Galileo program:

A key influence on the development of economy in every country have the innovation level. New ideas and inventions are often promoted by the media.

„ProSieben” TV channel is among the most important and most respected television programs in Germany.

Every year, „ProSieben” under the auspices of the well-known concern „ThyssenKrupp” is organizing a competition „Die große Galileo Show” exclusively dedicated to new inventions and new ideas.

The main purpose of this program is to identify and reveal the best ideas and new inventions of the year.

Ideas can be submitted by both companies and individual persons. Reported innovations are carefully evaluated by experts, and the best are rewarded.

In year 2006 I submitted to this contest my project of computer keyboard „COMPCAD” as an innovation. My solution of an ergonomically designed keyboards presented in the program arouse huge interest and was awarded with the prize „ProSieben - Wissenspreis” in the category of „Simplify Your Live”.

„Prosieben - Wissenspreis” certificate for „COMPCAD” project.